Hey everyone! See my thoughts below on this recipe. If you like this let me know and I can do one for other recipes too. Photo cred Jason G.
Four roses OESQ TS85-5I 60.9% Mission W&S pick 9y9m
👃🏻 heavy char. Just like straight char. Slight sweetness
👅 oooooh daym. Super savory, loads of burnt herbs, huge herbal and char finish. Super savory. Chewy. Resinous. This is awesome, but very aggressive. 91.
Four roses OESQ T3 TS85-3U 58.9% 10y3m BevMo! Pick
👃🏻 so nice. Oak, bark, herbal (fennel), toasty baking spices,
👅 oaky. Punchy. Baking spices. Hmm this just tastes like hot oak juice. Added a drop. Hmm didnt really help. They picked this just on the nose i bet. 80.
Four roses OESQ T1 TS85-1H 54.2% Total Wine pick 10y 11m
👃🏻 super toasty black cherries. Barrel char.
👅 oh wow definitely feel the lower abv. This is oak and char forward again. Nice light buttery feel. This is similar to the last one for NY but goes down a bit better. 87. Finish was better on the other one tho. Nose is better on this one tho 🧐
Four roses OESQ T2 TS85-2O 56.6% 10y8m selected by FR for New York.
👃🏻 very oaky. Heavy toasted oak. Oak liqueur.
👅 oak bomb. Its all oak. Goes in really nice but down pretty harsh. Calms down. I like this. 86. Buttery finish. Goes up a point for that. Damn, keeps going up haha.
Four roses OESQ T4 TS85-4K 60.3% 10y6m BevMo! Pick
👃🏻 mostly burnt/char with some burnt herbs notes. Little resinous/barky.
👅 very resinous/barkey/burnt herbs. Feels pretty good. Heavier herbal notes coming in after a few sips, lots of mint/oregano. Yea full disclaimer I’m a sucker for these types of flavors. This is pretty aggressive but I love it. 90.
Four roses OESQ TS85-6Q 62% Binnys pick 9y11m
👃🏻 heavy char. Burnt cinnamon. Burnt oak. Hint of dark cherry. Little toast. Little herbal liqueur note.
👅 hmm yea heavy on the char notes. Theres a really nice fruity cherry brightness that shines through the mostly burnt notes. Burnt herbs. This has a lot going on, its super drinkable at 60+ and i actually really love the burnt notes and the complexity around that. Really impressed with this pick. 92. Really nice black cherry forward finish.
Four roses OESQ 10y3m mega package pick 55.1%
👃 dustier dryer baking spuces corny cinnamon. Barrel char
👅 good body, charred cedar. Hmm this is actually really really good. Its so thick and smooth and that charred cedar note is delicious with some baking spice bready notes. Wonderful. 91. Light floral character in notes is good too.
Overall this is my second fave recipe after OESF and its pretty solid for the most part. The consistent notes I get is burnt/heavy char and the lack of corn syrupy and vanilla notes that you get in other ones. These aren’t fruity in general but there’s some fruity notes that have made their way. Most of these have some rye notes (cedar/barky) also which makes sense cause these are 20% rye. The website advertises this recipe as “delicate grain and light floral” which I definitely did not get. A floral comment snuck in on the one and thats because i was looking for them. For me its mostly oak/barrel char forward with some rye, some baking spice, and some dark cherry notes that make their way through to various degrees.