And last but not least, number 10 this evening is our first review of a craft distillery whisky, local to southern Ontario. We've had a chance to meet the owner and were impressed with the process there and the dedication they showed in growing and expanding their distillery. They've won a few awards recently so we're going to try to get some bottles of their Scorn and Cask Strength Rye to review as well.
Last Straw Whisky in the 6. 56% ABV. $60 CAD. Recharred Wild Turkey barrels. 3 years old. Corn heavy mash bill Canadian Whisky from Vaughan Ontario.
We sniff around:
Trevor starts us off with peppermint mouthwash. Gets a little Jäger too.
Simon follows up with Dr Pepper. You can dig into this nose for a long time.
Scott gets that sour mash aroma when you put your nose to the lip of a fermenter.
We cheers.
It's spicy. Woo!
You marinate some jalapenos in your Dr Pepper...
Dr Pepper has 23 different flavors, there's at least this many flavors in here. Think vanilla cherry cola licorice molasses oak and so on.
It's stiff but very enjoyable.
Kyle gets a listerine feel.
Reviews: Simon starts us off at 82. He's a big fan, it's got some different flavors that you don't typically see in American bourbon. It's punchy. He'll be ordering another bottle. Scott goes 78. Really likes it, there's something honest and transparent about it. It's a Canadian twist on Bourbon which is neat. It's got some raw flavors he likes. He would pick up a bottle. Kyle loves the idea of this. It's very spicy at first, but tones down a notch. It does a great job, he would share this with any whisky lover. 80 for him. Trevor ends this on 83. It's got a few different flavors he's never experienced which is fun. He likes the process they went through. He's impressed on how good this gets in 3 years. Averages out to 80.8.
Overall: We recommend you give this a shot. It's punchy, it's unique, it's tasty. It's brash too, don't expect this to be something you can just sip on and not worry about it. This is a colaboration that worked out, and the fact it comes out of local craft distillery is awesome. It lands at number 8 out of 86 on our value scale with 87.5 points. You can go to their website to order online or visit the distillery in Vaughan.
The S&P Crew.