Simon here from S&P. Got to try a sample of this the other day. Here are my notes and thoughts.
Glenlivet Caribbean Reserve: 40% ABV, $60 CAD, Rum finished Speyside single malt. No age statement.
Sniffing her:
You can get the standard Glenlivet Founder's Reserve profile with the apple pie/apple chip notes, but it's balanced with this banana candy note, or banana medicine. You know that fake banana note. It's nice actually.
Syruppy, apples. You definitely get the rum influence. There's a licorice note there. This drinks very easy but it doesn't feel too diluted. I think this is actually a nice balance between a profile like the Bumbu XO we tried recently, and the Glenlivet Founder's Reserve with the apple pie/apple chip notes. Not much of a finish to it. The same flavors linger a bit.
Overall/Review: I don't mind this at all. It's super easy drinking without feeling too diluted or mild. It balances two profiles of the generic honey licorice forward rum, and the apple pie Glenlivet Founder's Reserve. This is actually well done and I'd say worth the price tag for once. 75. Not planning on getting a bottle though personally, but I do recommend you try it out, at a bar if possible.
Simon from S&P.